Inside Kobi Place - Healthy Chats with Lauren Gill

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Welcome to our fourth episode of Healthy Chats, a series of sit down interviews giving you a behind the scenes look at how we’re caring for our communities.

Darling Downs Health is committed to improving the health and wellbeing of residents now, and into the future – and we want you to come on this journey with us.

Healthy Chats is a chance to get to know just some of our hardworking and compassionate staff across the region.

Learn about their roles, why they’re passionate about health and some of the exciting initiatives underway.

To join in the conversation let us know what topics or questions you’d like covered by filling in our feedback form.

Kobi Place information

Kobi Place is located in Browne House at Baillie Henderson Hospital.

You can call our team on 07 4699 7000.

Available services include: